The Austrian pay stub, known locally as the "Gehaltszettel", is an essential document that provides a comprehensive overview of employment-related financial transactions in Austria. For workers, especially those who are new to the country, understanding their pay stub is critical for a smooth transition to the Austrian payment system and for ensuring that their earnings are calculated and distributed correctly and transparently. In this detailed guide, we will explore the various sections of the Austrian pay stub, using the original naming terms, and explain the meaning of each section.
Personal and Business Information
In this section, you will find information about you, the employee, such as your name, address and social security number. Additionally, the company details including its name and address are also present. Make sure all of this information is correct as it ensures the pay stub is associated with the correct person and company.
Income and Deductions
The Income and Deductions section is where you will see a list of financial values related to your salary. Here's what you need to look out for:
- Bruttogehalt: This is your gross salary before any deductions. It's the total amount you earned before taxes and contributions are applied.
- Sonderzahlungen: These are special payments, such as bonuses or 13th salary, that can vary throughout the year.
- Zulagen: Subsidies such as family or food benefits may be listed here.
- Abzüge: This is a crucial section as it lists deductions. They include social security contributions, income tax withheld at source and other mandatory deductions.
- Nettogehalt This is your net salary, the amount you will receive after all deductions are subtracted from your gross salary.
- Social Contributions and Taxes
This section lists the mandatory social insurance contributions and taxes you are paying:
- Krankenversicherung: Health insurance contribution. Ensures access to healthcare.
- Pensionsversicherung: Contribution to pension insurance. Prepare for retirement.
- Arbeitslosenversicherung: Contribution to unemployment insurance. Offers support in case of unemployment.
- Lohnsteuer: Income tax withheld at source. It's a tax on your income.
- Kommunalsteuer: Municipal tax. Contributes to municipal services.
Details of Hours Worked:
- Stundenzettel: Details the normal and overtime hours worked.
- Überstunden: Overtime, possibly at a higher rate of pay.
- Urlaubsanspruch: Accumulated vacation entitlements.
Additional Information
This section may contain extra information such as social security reports, bank details and company logo. These details vary from company to company.
How to Analyze Deductions and Other Details
- Bruttogehalt: Check if your gross salary matches what you expected, considering previous agreements.
- Abzüge: Carefully review listed deductions such as social security and income tax. Confirm that these values are correct and align with local legislation.
- Nettogehalt: Make sure your net salary matches the amount you expected to receive after all deductions.
- Social Contributions and Taxes: Review the contributions and taxes listed to understand where your money is going.
- Details of Hours Worked: If applicable, check that the hours worked are correct.
Remember, your pay stub is a valuable tool for understanding your earnings and deductions. If there are any questions or discrepancies, please contact your company's human resources department for clarification. Being informed about your pay stub will allow you to better manage your finances and ensure that your rights and obligations are being properly fulfilled.