Blog tagged as Documents

 Hotel and Catering Industry: New Collective Agreement for 2024
Discover the latest wage hikes and labor agreements in Austria's hospitality sector, offering employees a significant boost in income and improved working conditions.
27.05.24 09:49 PM - Comment(s)
Austria's Digital Revolution: ID Austria and Its Expanded Impact
ID Austria marks a notable advance in the way citizens access and use government services, signaling a movement towards a more connected and digitally secure society.
02.05.24 01:42 PM - Comment(s)
YWL! Specialized Consultancy for Family Immigration
Our expert family immigration consultancy is a comprehensive solution that simplifies the complex Austria Red-White-Red Card visa application and approval process more for family members.
02.05.24 01:33 PM - Comment(s)
Document Check to Work in Austria
When planning to work in Austria, a crucial visa step is document verification. This process may vary depending on the country of origin of the document.
02.05.24 01:29 PM - Comment(s)
Understanding the Austrian Steuerausgleich: A Guide for Immigrant Workers
When starting a new life in Austria, it is crucial to understand the “Steuerausgleich”, the annual income tax reconciliation process. This simplified guide will help immigrant workers navigate this essential procedure.
02.05.24 01:11 PM - Comment(s)
EU Citizens: How to Get a Meldezettel (Address Registration) in Vienna 
If you are a citizen of the European Union and plan to stay in Vienna, Austria long-term, you will need to apply for a Meldezettel. This must be done within 3 days of arrival in Austria and is a mandatory document that every EU citizen living in Vienna must obtain.
02.05.24 01:02 PM - Comment(s)
Understanding the Austrian Payslip
The Austrian pay stub, known locally as the "Gehaltszettel", is an essential document that provides a comprehensive overview of employment-related financial transactions in Austria.
02.05.24 11:50 AM - Comment(s)
Driver's License in Austria
The tipping culture in Austria can be beneficial for workers in these establishments. According to a study by the Austrian Institute for Economic Research, around 60% of food service and accommodation workers report receiving tips regularly.
02.05.24 11:19 AM - Comment(s)